Wednesday, February 26, 2014

How can I help - what can I do?

You get the call. Someone you love has been diagnosed with a serious medical condition. You think, "Oh my gosh! What can I do? What do I say? Should I call them? Should I go to see them?"

It is all so confusing. I remember the same fear going through my mind and body as I have received those calls. Once your mind calms down a little, you begin to figure out the best ways that you can help your loved one.
Ways to Help your Hero

Thankfully, there are many ways to help, and because of our own past experiences, we felt that we needed to put together some particulars of how to help in a time when your loved one has received a serious diagnosis. You can always find the list here on our Ways to Help page.

These ideas can be used in most scenarios, and they are simple to do. You may even have previously thought about them, but we didn't want to stop at just a few. We've thrown in some new ideas as well.

If you're looking for fundraising ideas to further help your Hero, be sure to click on the links within the page that will take you to some of those ideas.You can easily bookmark the page in order to come back and get fresh ideas as needed.

When possible, put some fun into your ways to help! I am pretty sure that your Hero would appreciate a little laughter or fun in their lives as they experience their journey!
All the Best, always!