Tuesday, November 25, 2014

#GivingTuesday - Join, Share and Help Your Hero

Hi Everyone,

Last year around this time, I was pleasantly surprised to see something in my Twitter feed about #GivingTuesday. I followed through to get some information and found that it's a relatively new concept as it was founded in 2012. It is a global movement with over 10,000 participating businesses and organizations, and I am happy to report that Help Your Hero is now counted among them.

So what exactly is #GivingTuesday? According to their website, #GivingTuesday "is a global day dedicated to giving back. On Tuesday, December 2, 2014, charities, families, businesses, community center, and students around the world will come together for one common purpose: to celebrate generosity and to give."

We at Help Your Hero are totally on board with celebrating and implementing giving ideas, and you can too! When you act to Join, ShareHelp and/or Donate to us, you will be making the wonderful choice of becoming a SuperFriend to the many Superheroes out there.

  • Join! Visit www.helpyourhero.org and become a member for free. In addition to the free membership, you'll receive quarterly e-newsletters and you'll be able to access forums and tips and tools needed to help others.
  • Share! Do you know a family that has a child with a medical condition? Maybe you also know of an organization that assists families with children that have medical conditions. It only takes a moment to share our website, social media, or emails with them. All of us have the power to extend our reach to more families that need our free services. Invitations to others can also easily be shared right from our website.
  • Help! We need your help to increase awareness of what we do and how we can all help. Are you part of a support group, forum, or do you have a blog? We need your help in spreading the word to your peers and colleagues of what we do.
  • Donate! You can donate to Help Your Hero with a secure online donation. Your donations will enable us to make enhancements to the website and overall Superhero and SuperFriend experiences.
Your choice to Join, Share, Help and/or Donate is a super thing to do, and it will create many ripples of positivity. Thank you so much for your consideration. We hope to see you as a SuperFriend soon!

T. Bartlett
PR Manager & Story Writer

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